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Land art WikipediaLand art variously known as Earth art environmental art and Earthworks is an art movement that emerged in the 1960s and 1970s largely associated with Great Britain and the United States but which included examples from many countries As a trend Land art expanded boundaries of art by the materials used and the siting of the works The materials used were often the materials of the Land Art Wikipedia la enciclopedia libreEl Land Art Earth art o earthwork propuesto por Robert Smithson es una corriente del arte contemporáneo en la que el paisaje y la obra de arte están estrechamente enlazados Utiliza a la naturaleza como material madera tierra piedras arena viento rocas fuego agua etc para intervenir en sí misma La obra generada es a partir del lugar en el que se interviene que algunas veces Land Art History Characteristics Visual Arts EncyclopediaOutside America the leading postmodernist artists involved in land art include the British sculptor and mixedmedia artist Andy Goldsworthy the British sculptor Richard Long b1945 and of course the German avantgarde experimental artist and sculptor Joseph Bulgarian sculptor Christo Javacheff b1935 noted for enveloping buildings and landscapes in fabric is also associated Land art — WikipédiaLe land art est une tendance de lart contemporain utilisant le cadre et les matériaux de la nature bois terre pierres sable eau rocher etc Le plus souvent les œuvres sont en extérieur exposées aux éléments et soumises à lérosion naturelle ainsi certaines œuvres ont disparu et il ne reste que leur souvenir photographique et des vidéosLand art WikipediaLa Land art è una forma darte contemporanea sorta negli Stati Uniti dAmerica tra il 1967 e il 1968 caratterizzata dallintervento diretto dellartista sul territorio naturale specie negli spazi incontaminati come deserti laghi salati praterie ecc Le opere hanno spesso carattere effimero Nasce da un atteggiamento rigorosamente antiformale in antitesi con il figurativismo della pop art Land Art – WikipediaLand Art so auch im Deutschen gebräuchlich ist eine Ende der 1960er Jahre in den USA entstandene 1968 im Rahmen einer Ausstellung in der Galerie von Virginia Dwan in New York erstmals als „Earth Works“ bezeichnete Kunstströmung der bildenden vor allem in Deutschland gängige Bezeichnung „Land Art“ wurde 1969 von dem deutschen Filmemacher und Fernsehgaleristen Gerry Schum Land art WikipediaLand art Nederlands Landschapskunst is een stroming in de beeldende kunst ontstaan in de jaren 60 van de 20e eeuw waarbij kunstenaars ingrijpende kunstzinnig bedoelde ingrepen aanbrengen in een landschap door het graven van grachten en kuilen het aanleggen van ophopingen op akkers en weiden en het geordend storten van keien op een wateroppervlakRICHARD LONG OFFICIALrichard long artist art made by walking in landscapes photographs of sculptures made along the way walks made into textworks selected exhibitions and a list of solo exhibitionsPortail du Land Art Art avec et dans la NatureLand art art in situ art en nature art environnemental earthworks Lidée de sortir lart des musées commence à faire son chemin les artistes investissent la nature et les paysagesLANDART DESIGN Landscape Architects MalaysiaA natural balance between functionality and art This is the golden rule of our landscapes By focusing on how people interact with their environment we create an ensemble that engages the senses through textures colours light form and space resulting in an outdoor experience that is enjoyable beautiful and comfortable
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